The Liberty County ARES Net is part of the Shark Club net.
Thursday night at 7:30pm C.D.T.
146.900 (-) 100.00 TONE N5AK
All are Welcome
Liberty County E.C. is an OPEN POSITION AT THIS TIME
We are in the initial stages of starting a ARES group to assist Liberty County with emergency communications. The group is open to all licensed operators who would like to be a part of the emergency response team. Anyone with a ham radio license is encouraged to check in on the net.
Please visit Liberty County ARES at the ARRL STX website
Preamble for SHARK ARES Net Control
Tone up repeater.We would like to let everyone know that the 8:00 Liberty County ARES NET will be discontinued after May 3rd and will become part of the 7:30 Shark Club net.
(Acknowledge any traffic as passed)
This is (your call sign phonetically), and my name is (your name). I will be the net control for the Sam Houston Amateur Radio Klub ARES net this evening.
This is a directed net and all communications should be directed through net control.
Do I have a volunteer to be the backup Net Control this evening
(Acknowledge backup if heard. Assign as needed)
The purpose of this net is to provide training to ARES members and to exchange information regarding ARES activities and requirements, for both public service and emergency preparedness.
Although our area of responsibility is primarily Liberty County, this net welcomes and encourages check-ins from outside the county. You do not have to be an ARES or a Shark club member to check into the net.I will now stand by for any EMERGENCY or PRIORITY traffic.
Any emergency or priority traffic please call now.
(Wait approximately 5 seconds)
Check-ins will be called from the SHARK ARES Roster using the members call sign.
Please acknowledge when called by giving your full call sign in ITU phonetics.
Indicate at the time if you have traffic or comments for the net. Also we ask you to please give your local weather conditions and area where you are located.
Once you have been acknowledged, please stand by until the roster and check- ins have been completed.
This is (call sign phonetically), Net Control. I will now call the Liberty County ARES roster.
(Recognize those who have checked in by reading back their entire call using ITU phonetics. Acknowledge if they have indicated that they have traffic and/or training for the net. Note accordingly)
Liberty County ARES Roster
(New roster in the works)Net control will now accept check-ins from any other stations wishing to check in.
Please Give your call sign slowly in ITU phonetics, as well as your Name, location, local weather conditions, and state whether you have traffic for the net.
Anyone wishing to check in to the SHARK ARES net Please call now.
(recognize those who have checked in by reading back their entire call using ITU phonetics. Acknowledge if they have indicated that they have traffic and/or training for the net. Note accordingly)
(The following to be used only if stations indicated traffic)
This is (call sign) Net Control station for the SHARK ARES net.
The following Stations have indicated they have traffic or training for the net. (their call), please Pass your traffic.Are there any comments on this traffic? Please call Net Control.
(The following to be used only if there was any training)
This is (your call sign), Net Control Station.
Are there any questions or comments Regarding the training, please call Net Control.Any additional comments for the net? If so please call Net Control (your call sign)
Prior to closing this net, are there any more check-ins? Please call (your call sign)
With your call sign in ITU phonetics.
Acknowledge check-ins and request name and location and if they would like to join us in the future.
This is (your call sign). I would like to Thank everyone that checked into our net tonight, and welcome you to come back again, this is (your call sign) closing the net
Tone down repeater.
Local Ares Nets Table will go here
ARES - Emergency and tactical traffic: (As required)
Day: 7285 KHz LSB
Night: 3873 KHz LSB
Health and welfare traffic
Day: 7290 KHz LSB
Night: 3935 KHz LSB
DTTN (Daytime Texas Traffic Net) 7285
Monday - Saturday 8:30 am to 9:30 am
Procedures for Sam Houston Amateur Radio Club ARES/SKYWARN Activation
The ARES net will be activated when so needed and called upon by the office of emergency management of Liberty County or when an emergency arises due to weather, natural disaster or man made condition.
As in all areas of emergency, first priority is for the safety of immediate family.
Notification to all ARES members will be made by landline, cell phone or internet that such a condition exists and to stand by primary frequency until notified as to what their responsibility will be. (Please send your info to Jesse @ kb5yc "at"
The preferred use of the ham frequencies will be in the following order
146.900 repeater, - offset, 100.00 Tone.
If the repeater is down and unusable, then the second frequency will be146.900 simplex, all VHF equipment should have these frequency's programmed, if the net is unable to pass traffic on the primary or secondary frequency, then the net will switch to the HF bands, first primary for HF will be
7.280 (40 meters) USB, if contact is not able to be established or the frequency is in use the net will go to the secondary HF frequency of
3.860 (80 meters), the 10 meter band will also be used as an alternate if necessary
28.450 (10 meters)
The net will remain active as long as the emergency exists.
Liberty County E.C. - Open position at this time.
Section ECs to go here